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Poetics, Politics, Places

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Poetics, Politics, Places will be part of the International Biennial of Contemporary Arts of South Am “Poetics, Politics, Places” is an exhibition that reflects on the relationship between poetics and politics in the light of the notion of “deterritoriality”, in order to show what could be called the spaces of the “in-between”. It brings together eight artists (Saliba Douaihy, Etel Adnan, Mireille Kassar, Cynthia Zaven, Nadim Asfar, Danièle Genadry, Saba Innab, Gilbert Hage) whose works tend to redefine the notion of territory in the light of issues related to globalization, but also through a practice of interiority and memoriality. Leer más

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Poetics, Politics, Places Puntuación en las redes sociales:
4.5 / 10
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Mayor actividad en diciembre:
Poetics, Politics, Places tiene un total de 63 visitas ("checkins") y 818 "likes".